Bio-risk management training was conducted on November 11, 2017 at Yogyakarta as a part of Good Clinical Laboratory Practice (GCLP) training program. The bio-risk training was the initial step of OHLN network to raise the awareness and promote good and safety laboratory practices to all members based on the international standards, such as WHO, NIH, CDC and others. Bio-risk management training was focused on introducing members on the importance of biosafety and biosecurity practices in the laboratory. The main discussion was about the basic principle of biosafety and biosecurity at laboratory.

Participants practice how to clean biological spills
This training emphasized on basic aspects of biosafety which include risk assessment, agent classification, biosafety principle, biosafety level, protection equipment, and biological waste treatment. Participants were also given the chance to practice on the hazardous biologic spills (such as blood) treatment in a proper and safe way. This training was done by independent learning approach with interactive presentation, discussion and case studies delivered by experienced national and international facilitators.
After the training, laboratory personals were expected to understand the basic aspect of biosafety and biosecurity practice such as the need for biological material protection, dual use research of concern (DURC), communication and protection system of laboratory and were able to identify and implement the protections equipment based on the situations and conditions, as well as managing biological hazards spills and establish SOP of laboratory communication and security system
The training was opened by a speech from INDOHUN coordinator, Prof. Wiku Adisasmito followed by open discussion session regarding the last session topic, the preparation of each laboratory to implement the risk assessment. The session then continued by a presentation about basic principles of biosecurity in laboratory and dual use research of concern (DURC). The discussion was ended by question and answer session in which participants were actively involved.
On the afternoon session, the training continued with a presentation on laboratory communication system and biosecurity standard operational and procedure (SOP). Participants were also given the time for practice on making the SOP. Generally, biosecurity was a new topic for most participants and it needed more training programs to discuss some specific aspects and practices in the laboratory. The training was closed by certificate handover from INDOHUN representative to a participant and took some pictures together