Participants and GCLP Training Committee
One of the OHLN initiatives is to enhance the capacity of laboratory human resources through numbers of training program. This initiative is a form of contribution towards the network members to improve their investigation performance. As the first step, Indonesia One Health University Network (INDOHUN) conducted a training to 25 participants from 12 OHLN member laboratories on the topic of Good Clinical Laboratory Practice (GCLP) on 8-10 November in Phonic Hotel, Yogyakarta. This training was held in partnership with the Tropical Medicine Centre, Faculty of Medicine UGM as the Regional Training Centre (RTC) for Health Research of WHO/TDR for South East Asia region.
Good Clinical Laboratory Practice (GCLP) is the guideline of clinical examination laboratory for the purpose of research and public service. GCLP is also recommended as the standard for clinical laboratories which are involved in the communicable disease diagnostic evaluation. Based on the importance of improvement and quality assurance on clinical examination in laboratory, the GCL training was successfully conducted. Through this program, all participants are expected to gain and spread as much lessons, experiences and skills with the GCLP principles and international ethical standard on doing clinical research in their own laboratory.
The training which emphasized the clinical trial and good laboratory practice (GLP) was expected to share and spread the experience on GCLP and to encourage its implementation by each OHLN member laboratories. The national GCLP was conducted in 3 days at Phoenix Hotel Yogyakarta and attended by 25 participants from 12 university laboratories with various background, including lecturers, laboratory technicians, researchers and physicians.

Participants were listening to the facilitator’s presentation
The GCLP training was opened by INDOHUN and Tufts University representatives, followed by the training coordinator, dr. Elsa Herdiana, M.Kes., PhD by introducing the facilitators, participants and the training objectives. The training was conducted in independent learning approach with interactive learning method, discussion, case study, and evaluation. The training material was delivered by 6 experienced facilitators, they are Dra. Dewajani Purnomosari, M.Si., PhD ; Dewi Kartikawati Paramita, S.si., M.Si., PhD ; Prof. dr. Mae Sri Hartati Wahyuningsih, M.Si., Apt ; dr. Hera Nirwati, Jajah Fachiroh, PhD dan dr. Elsa Herdiana, M.Kes., PhD.
On the first day, all participants are required to take the pre-test to initially assess their understanding about GCLP. Then the session was continued with the lecture on GCLP history, organization and personnel, module exercise, equipment and material facilities and ended with the case study.
The second day, session began with the recapitulation of first day training delivered by dr. Hera Nirwati, then continued with the lecture on sample management. The lecture on document, data recording and reporting, demonstration on recoring, SOP, by 2 other facilitators. On the SOP drafting practice, participants were divided into 4 groups. This practice used some learning tools such as origami paper and facilitator guides.
On the third day, participants took a visit to 3 laboratories in the faculty of medicine UGM, they are molecular biology laboratory, parasitology laboratory and integrated laboratory. Participants were divided into three groups based on their interest. Before taking the visit, all participants were given the lecture on quality control and quality assurance by dr. Elsa Herdiana, M.Kes., PhD. After visit session ended, participants were required to prepare a group presentation continued with the discussion moderated by dr. Hera Nirwati. This program was aimed to give a clear picture and measure each laboratory capacity based on GCLP standard.
Overall, this training was successfully accepted by participants, the material was relevant and the delivery method was effective. All participants showed active participants during the training. It is expected that this training could help improving the clinical examination practices in Indonesia.
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