OHLN and Stakeholders from the Ministry of Institutions and TNI Representatives
(DoubleTree Cikini Hotel, Jakarta, 21-22 November 2018) One Health Laboratory Network (OHLN) in collaboration with the Ministries and Coordinating Institutions for Human Development and Culture (Kemenko PMK) held a Laboratory Policy Coordination Meeting on 21 and 22 November 2018 at the DoubleTree Hotel, Central Jakarta. The coordination meeting was held with the aim of being a means of communication and coordination across Ministries and Agencies and institutions related to the stage and potential content of the proposed national policy formation on the One Health laboratory network and the implementation of a laboratory biorisiko management system.
The coordination meeting was attended by Ministries and Institutions, institutions and agencies related to health laboratory policy in Indonesia. Present at the event were representatives from the Coordinating Ministry of Agriculture, Ministry of Agriculture and Institutions, Ministries and Institutions of Health, Ministries and Institutions of Ristekdikti, Ministries and Defense Institutions, Ministries and Institutions of the Interior, Ministries and Legal and Human Rights Institutions, Drug and Food Control Agency, Eijkman Institute , National Standardization Agency (BSN).
The activity on the first day (21 November 2018) began with a presentation on the achievements and work programs of OHLN in 2018 by the OHLN coordinator. Furthermore, Prof. Wiku Adisasmito as the INDOHUN coordinator delivered the first speech. The next remarks were delivered by the Director General of Human Resources and Science and Technology, Kemenristekdikti represented by the Director of Facilities and Infrastructure of the Kemenristekdikti. After that, the official opening of the activity on the first day was carried out by the Deputy for Health Improvement, Kemenko PMK. The discussion on the first day began with a presentation by representatives of the Head of Research and Development Agency, Director General of PKH Ministries and Agricultural Institutions, Director of Infrastructure Facilities of Kemenristekdikti, National Standardization Agency, and INDOHUN Coordinator regarding regulations related to laboratory networks and bioriko management at each level of Ministries and Institutions . In addition, in the second session also presented the implementation of biorisik management at IRCVS, BTDK Center, and the Eijkman Institute.
On the second day (November 22, 2018), the activity began with a summary of the meeting on the first day by the OHLN coordinator, and continued with the distribution of discussion groups related to the steps of communication and coordination of the formation of the national policy network for One Health and SMBL laboratories by representatives of the Coordinating Ministry of PMK. The result of this activity is the presentation of the results of discussions from each group with the conclusion that the Ministry and Defense Agency proposed to be the initiators of the proposed policy.
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