Training Participants for Laboratory Assessors Using Web-Based Laboratory Assessment Equipment with SNI ISO 35001:2019 Standard
The laboratory is one of the important elements to support the development and progress of the nation as well as the country’s resilience. Life science laboratories in the health sector, for example, play an important role for identification, early detection, diagnosis, disease investigation, vaccine and drug development to improve the status of national resilience in the health sector. Testing and research activities involving bacteria, viruses, and fungi in life science laboratories need to be a serious concern from various parties, especially in terms of biosafety and biosecurity .

Welcome Speech by Prof. dr. Agus Suwandono, M.PH, dr.PH as INDOHUN Coordinator
Indonesia One Health University Network (INDOHUN) continues to support the implementation of a laboratory biorisk management system (SMBL) through the One Health Laboratory Network (OHLN) program in university laboratories in order to improve security and safety in the handling of biological materials during identification and detection of Emerging Infectious Diseases. PIE) and zoonoses. As part of this effort, INDOHUN-OHLN has succeeded in developing a Laboratory Assessment Toolkit (PPL) for a laboratory biorisk management system along with guidelines for its use. This assessment tool is an important instrument for laboratories to be able to assess their facilities and capacity to become a standard laboratory in the field of biorisk management. This development was carried out by considering the SNI ISO 35001:2019 standard issued by the National Standardization Agency (BSN) in 2019 which was then adapted to the existing laboratory situation. With instruments that refer to standards, the PPL that has been developed by INDOHUN-OHLN can be used to assess and map the capacity of the implementation of biorisk management in various life science laboratories in the human, animal, and environmental sectors.

Simulation of laboratory capacity assessment Using Laboratory Assessment Tool (LAT)
In order to introduce the Laboratory Biorisk Management System (SMBL) in accordance with SNI ISO 35001:2019 and introduce audit techniques and practices for using biorisk management PPL, INDOHUN-OHLN supported by the Biosecurity Engagement Program (BEP) held a Training for Laboratory Assessors Using Web-Based PPL standard SNI ISO 35001:2019. The training is aimed at increasing the ability of participants to become assessors of laboratory capacity by using PPL INDOHUN-OHLN with SNI ISO 35001:2019 standards. The training was held at the JS Luwansa Hotel on Monday – Tuesday, 19 – 20 September 2022 with a total of 24 participants from 9 institutions namely Syiah Kuala University, University of Indonesia, Bogor Agricultural University, Atma Jaya University, Gadjah Mada University, Airlangga University, University of Hasanuddin, Directorate of Resources, Directorate General of Diktiristek and National Standardization Agency (BSN).

Simulation of laboratory capacity assessment Using Laboratory Assessment Tool (LAT)
The activity began with a welcoming session by Prof. dr. Agus Suwandono, MPH, DrPH as the INDOHUN Coordinator then the next remark was delivered by Mrs. Wahyuni Kamah as the Manager of the Biosecurity Engagement Program (BEP) in Indonesia, United States Embassy Office, Jakarta. The activity was continued with an introduction to the training delivered by Prof. dr. Wiku Adisasmito, M.Sc, Ph.D. Then the session continued with the presentation of the training material. The training lasted for 2 days accompanied by 3 facilitators, namely Dr. dr. Diah Iskandriati, IFBA PC, dr. Tjahjani Mirawati Sudiro, PhD and Aroem Naroeni, DEA., PhD. The training materials consist of 6 materials, namely:
- Introduction of SNI 35001:2019
- Internal Audit Techniques for SNI ISO 19011: 2018 Management Systems and Examples of How to Audit
- Introduction of SNI ISO 35001:2019 Biorisk Management System for Laboratory and Other Related Organizations
- Laboratory Assessment Toolkit (PPL)
- Supporting Documents in the Biorisk Management Assessment Process
- How to Prepare Report “Results of Assessment of Application of Biorisk Management System”
Each session is opened for training participants to discuss with the presenters. In addition to getting material, participants are also given hands-on experience by conducting a simulation of laboratory capacity assessment using PPL. The follow-up to this training is that all participants will have the status of Trainee Assessors who are assigned to carry out independent assessments in their respective laboratories which then send an assessment report to INDOHUN, participants will also be given a decree as assessors from INDOHUN and will be given assignments when there is a need for assessment. external to the laboratory. The 2-day training activity was closed by giving certificates to participants given by Dr. dr. Joko Pamungkas, M.Sc as Deputy Coordinator of Indohun and Hadi Slamet, SE as Finance Manager.

Granting Certificates to Participants for Laboratory Assessors Using Web-Based Laboratory Assessment Equipment with SNI ISO 35001:2019 Standard
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