(Bogor Agricultural Institute, 11st Desember 2018) One Health Laboratory Network (OHLN) conducted a visit to the Bogor Primate Animal Study Center (PSSP) Bogor Agricultural University (IPB) on December 11, 2018. The visit was intended to establish communication, introduce OHLN to the ranks of PSSP IPB, as well as discuss potential cooperation between PSSP IPB with OHLN in the national laboratory network in the future. In addition, this visit also intends to continue the process of testing the laboratory assessment tool (LAT) of biorisk management in the laboratory of PSSP IPB, as an institution that focuses on aspects of animal health research assessing the laboratory of PSSP IPB in depth specifically related to capacity, needs and gaps in selected laboratories .
The visit was conducted in the meeting room of PSSP IPB and attended by the head and laboratory staff of PSSP IPB, as well as the heads and staff from the laboratories there. The visit began with an opening by the Head of PSSP IPB to receive OHLN visits. Furthermore, the presentation was made by representatives from OHLN to present the OHLN profile and the program that will be implemented this year. In addition, the purpose and expectations of the visit were also explained. Furthermore, it is explained about SNI 8340: 2016 SMBL and OHLN Laboratory Assessment Tool (LAT) which will be used for laboratory assessment, by assessors from OHLN. The result of the discussion was the acceptance of OHLN to collaborate with PSSP IPB and to conduct an assessment in the laboratory. Assessments were carried out by assessors from OHLN using LAT. After the assessment, the results of the assessment are submitted and discussed together with the head and staff of the IPB PSSP laboratory.
In addition to conducting visits and assessments at PSSP IPB, OHLN also conducted hearings to the ranks of the rector of IPB in order to introduce INDOHUN and the programs that will and have been implemented, introduce OHLN and discuss potential cooperation in the development of INDOHUN organizations with IPB. The hearing was welcomed by the Vice Chancellors 1, 2 and 3. The OHLN Team was accompanied by the Dean of FKH IPB along with the Head of PSSP IPB. The result of the hearing was that IPB supported collaborative activities with INDOHUN and would initiate further activity plans.
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