Join the OHLN initiatives to combat new and re-emerging infectious disease (EID), zoonosis, and biorisk spectrum

A. Communication Forum of Higher Education Laboratory Network

A forum that brings together university health laboratoriesto become a forum for communication and sharing of information between management, laboratory assistants, experts, policy makers regarding laboratory policies, and others.

B. Function

  1. Support the efforts in linking human and animal health laboratories to enhance identification and early detection capacity of new/re emerging infectious diseases, zoonosis, and biorisk spectrum control
  2. Technical support to strengthen the implementation of the Laboratory Biorisk Management System (LBMS) according to international and national standards through training, mentoring of biorisk management assessment, and national policy advocacy
  3. Connect laboratory expert, researcher, and practitioners, and biorisk management from various sectors to carry out discussion, sharing information, and research in order to provide evidence based-data for future national policy.

C. Membership Type (Basic and Premium)

  • If a new Laboratory registers, the Laboratory will become a basic member and can enjoy the existing features but will get limited information.
  • If you want to become a premium member. The laboratory can download and upload a willingness to join the OHLN social network. Then, the laboratory will become a premium member who can access premium member-only content, namely:
  1. News/Exclusive Articles
  2. Research Report
  3. Document collection (modules/guidelines, etc.)
  4. Opportunities (Information about training, workshops, seminars, grants, research and others)
  5. Access the calendar (Can input event info from each laboratory which will later become the activity calendar)
  6. Join a Private Group
  7. And other features

D. OHLN Social Network Regulations

  1. All members are allowed to post useful things related to the laboratory.
  2. Posts shared from other sources are expected to be accurate information, not hoaxes.
  3. All members are required to use polite words and not offend about other members.
  4. Dont upload photos, videos, documents, links that smell pornographic, pornoaction and acts of violence.
  5. Dont post anything that contains elements of SARA.
  6. Maintain the conduciveness of the OHLN social network, interact with fellow members by prioritizing togetherness, deliberation, ethics in social media, responsibility and convenience in communicating.