Ministry of Health of The Republic of Indonesia
Ministry of Health of The Republic of Indonesia
Workshop on Early Detection of Anthrax Cases in Humans and Environmental Risk Factors
Year of Implementation: 2023
Project Summary
As a form of preparedness or early awareness of anthrax disease and for rapid diagnosis of cases, the expansion of anthrax testing reference laboratories is required. The expansion of the anthrax testing reference laboratory is carried out by increasing the capacity of officers through workshops on early detection of anthrax cases and environmental risk factors to laboratory officers at Tier 4 Public Health Laboratories with priority areas where anthrax cases are likely to be found according to the list of public health laboratories listed in the Minister of Health Regulation number 25 of 2023 concerning Organization and Work Procedures of the Technical Implementation Unit of the Public Health Laboratory Division.
Key Activities
This workshop invited 30 participants and was conducted for 5 days with the scope of:
- Learning the basics of anthrax disease, anthrax disease cases in Indonesia (human and animal cases), the one health approach, cross-sectoral policies in the eradication of zoonoses, and learning socio-cultural aspects in controlling anthrax outbreaks.
- Learn the health hazards of Bacillus anthracis, clinical manifestations and risk factors, optimize treatment and prevention, know the role of the Lab in outbreak investigations, and learn how to develop surveillance networks in Indonesia and connect regionally.
- Learn how to obtain the right samples from the right patients, advanced methods for detecting anthrax, Quality assurance (PMI and PME), Biosafety & Biosecurity considerations in anthrax disease investigation and diagnostics, learn about specimen receipt, handling, storage and destruction, and decontamination and disposal techniques through Disinfection and Fumigation.
- Learn about proper sampling techniques from various potential sources.
- Master specialized laboratory techniques for anthrax identification and testing and the use of relevant laboratory equipment.
- Learn how to correctly interpret laboratory test results to confirm anthrax cases.
Report :
Workshop Video :
Donor and Implementing Partner